Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Love and forgiveness

(rough translation of my cousin's Indonesian Quote)

In the calmness of the heart, there is honesty.
when there is no richness, there is an abounding heart.
In a lifeless body, there is a confident soul

this Life is beautiful, when LOVE is present!

sometimes the eyes is misled,
sometimes the lips will deceive,
and at times, the heart will judge...

still this Life is beautiful, When you learn to FORGIVE!

(The Indonesian version)

 Dalam keteduhan hati,ada ketulusan budi.
Dalam kemiskinan harta,ada kekayaan hati.
Dalam kerapuhan raga,ada ketegaran jiwa.....Hidup ini indah,bila ada Kasih!!!.
Kadang,mata salah melihat.Kadang, mulut salah berucap.
Kadang,hati salah menduga.... Hidup ini indah,bila ada Pengampunan!!!.

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